Blogs and Essays

“No one knows what is in it”: Cataloguing the Linnean Society Domestic Archive
At the end of an immense project to catalogue the papers of the Linnean Society itself, Project Archivist Alex Milne recounts the process of working with this important collection.
14th February 2024
"A jewel in a ten-times-barr'd-up chest": The Linnean Society's Iron Chest
This month, Project Archivist Alex Milne is looking into the history of the Iron Chest that once held the Society's most important organisational documents and artefacts.
12th January 2024

Neither ashore, nor afloat: Jonathan Couch and "A History of the Fishes of the British Islands"
This month, Assistant Archivist Christina McCulloch has been sifting through research (including our newly catalogued Domestic Archive) to look into the fantastic manuscript of Couch’s A History of the Fishes of the British Islands
5th January 2024

Inside the Fish Skin Collection: Ollie Crimmen and the Lost Radiographs
This month's Treasure is our retiring curator of zoology, Ollie Crimmen, whose first job at the NHM was to X-ray the Linnaean fishes, as described by NHM's Chrissy Williams below.
28th November 2023

Mini Linné
This month Glenn Benson, our Honorary Curator of Artefacts, looks at another treasure that hides in plain sight in the Linnean Society’s rooms in New Burlington House: the one metre tall statue of Carl Linnaeus
31st October 2023

Fearsome Flora: Plants that Bite Back
Inspired by a paper published in our Botanical Journal, Education Officer Dani Crowley investigates the mysterious world of carnivorous plants and their scientific and cultural legacy
24th October 2023