Blogs and Essays
A Family Feud: George Bentham's life and letters
English botanist George Bentham, past President of the Linnean Society, enjoyed a close, bittersweet relationship with his uncle, philosopher and social reformer, Jeremy Bentham, who eventually convinced George to give up the study of law for botany.
22nd September 2022
JA Leach: A Nature Influencer of his Time
JA Leach wrote “An Australian Bird Book”, the first field guide to that continent's avifauna in 1911. But Leach’s bird-guide went far beyond identification. It was a call for deeper love for the natural world.
2nd September 2022
Thomas Baines and the Great Tree Aloe
During research into the provenance of Charles Darwin’s vasculum (used on the voyage of the HMS Beagle), Glenn Benson, our Honorary Curator of Artefacts, came across this sketch of ‘The Great Tree Aloe of Damara Land’ by Thomas Baines (1820–1875).
31st August 2022
Fly on, Little Wig: The curious history of London’s parakeets
This year, for World Parrot Day and London History Day on 31 May, Leonie Berwick looks into the stories behind one of London’s most surprising species.
30th May 2022
Professor Gunnar Broberg (1942-2022): An Unsurpassed and Astute Historian of Linnaeus
Curious and friendly, Gunnar Broberg set human beings as the frontispiece of historical research. In his death, he will be remembered for his humour, empathy and intellect.
18th May 2022
Sherwin Carlquist FMLS: Champion Botanist, Storyteller and a Relentless Ally of Students
Scott Zona was one of Carlquist's doctoral students and a close friend till Carlquist passed away last December. Scott portrays Carlquist as not just as a brilliant scientist but also a dedicated mentor and imperfect human being, like all of us.
25th April 2022