News, Blogs and Essays
Linnaeus and Liberty: the Life and Works of John Milton in the Library of Carl Linnaeus
Join our Librarian Will Beharrell as we examine three distinctly unscientific volumes from Carl Linnaeus' private library
31st July 2022
Judging a Book by its Cover: 18th-century hand-decorated papers in the Linnean Society's Collections
Artisanal hand-decorated papers were all the rage in the 18th century. Conservator Janet Ashdown combs our collections to see what examples we hold.
1st July 2022
From the Archives: 'I’ll let him know his place in nature'
It was on this day, 29 June 1895, that Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist and fierce friend of Charles Darwin, died. To mark the occasion, we're reproducing an article published in our members' magazine, 'PuLSe', by Fellow and volunteer, Alan Brafield.
29th June 2022
John A. Burton FLS (1944–2022): A far-sighted conservationist, naturalist and author
Passionate and inspiring, John Burton forged new approaches to conservation, mentored generations of young conservationists, and has left a legacy of over 1 million acres (405,000 hectares) saved for conservation worldwide.
21st June 2022
Fly on, Little Wig: The curious history of London’s parakeets
This year, for World Parrot Day and London History Day on 31 May, Leonie Berwick looks into the stories behind one of London’s most surprising species.
30th May 2022
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker’s "Prince of Mantua" Medal
Our Curator of Artefacts Glenn Benson examines one of the great botanist's medals, and finds that all that glitters is not gold
23rd May 2022