News, Blogs and Essays
A new GCSE for a greener future
A new natural history course for UK 14-16-year-olds has the potential to enhance understanding, appreciation and protection of the natural world
28th April 2022
The Linnaean Shell Collection
What happens to a treasure when it isn’t treated as a treasure? Digital Assets Manager Andrea Deneau looks at the history of Linnaeus' shell collection.
26th April 2022
Sherwin Carlquist FMLS: Champion Botanist, Storyteller and a Relentless Ally of Students
Scott Zona was one of Carlquist's doctoral students and a close friend till Carlquist passed away last December. Scott portrays Carlquist as not just as a brilliant scientist but also a dedicated mentor and imperfect human being, like all of us.
25th April 2022
The Linnean Society of London Announces 2022 Medal and Award Winners
From studies in freshwater fish diversity in Sri Lanka to Ethiopian flora, from ground-breaking work in palaeobiological data to innovative techniques in coral reef recovery — 2022's list of outstanding work in the natural sciences
6th April 2022
Professor Liebig and the mysterious fossils of the Trap Formation
Assistant Archivist Luke Thorne examines this totally legit paper about a series of mysterious fossils that were unearthed on the grounds of an estate.
1st April 2022