News, Blogs and Essays
LGBT+ at the Linnean Society
As we look forward to LGBT+ History Month, a number of our staff, curators, and Fellows share their experiences of being LGBT+ in science
10th January 2022
"The Librarian's Nightmare": James Bateman's Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala
Our librarian Will Beharrell examines one of our most prized—and most challenging—books
10th January 2022
The Darwin-Wallace Collection: Notes from the Private Lives of Naturalists
Archivist Alex Milne examines the lesser known interests of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace though correspondence held in the Linnean Society Library
23rd November 2021
Discover More: Fungi
This group of organisms are actually more closely related to animals than they are plants, but they are so radically different to either that scientists group them in a kingdom of their own. Discover more with Linnean Learning.
23rd November 2021
The Photographic Portraits Collection
Smile! Digital Assets Manager Andrea Deneau looks at our collection of photographic portraits
19th November 2021
COP26: Despite clear scientific proof, political ambition falls short
The Glasgow Climate Pact recognises the efforts by civil society and local communities to focus global attention on climate change but also that progress now must accelerate rapidly
16th November 2021