News, Blogs and Essays
COP26: Despite clear scientific proof, political ambition falls short
The Glasgow Climate Pact recognises the efforts by civil society and local communities to focus global attention on climate change but also that progress now must accelerate rapidly
16th November 2021
The Medals of Rosemary Lowe-McConnell
Curator of Artefacts Glenn Benson takes a look at three recent and invaluable donations to the Society's collections
1st November 2021
COP26: The Narrow Path to a Healthy Future
The time the world has left to stay within a safe warming limit is rapidly running out. Hard decisions are at our doorstep, and next two weeks will be a harbinger of global cooperation and good will
1st November 2021
Jane and 'The Mummy!': Linnean Links to Gothic Fiction
With the nights drawing in, Leonie Berwick and Janet Ashdown investigate the connection between a reanimated mummy, horticulture and the Linnean Society.
29th October 2021
Under England’s famous old oak tree: John Clayton’s account of the Cowthorpe Oak
Assistant Archivist Luke Thorne examines an old account about an ancient giant of nature for this edition of Treasure of the Month.
1st October 2021
Petunia Peacock's POSE! Courtship displays of male peacock spiders
"Tonight we have an extraordinary diversity of queens - ninety male peacock spiders looking to show off and win the coveted trophy for best representing their house"
28th September 2021