Donations and Acquisitions

We evaluate and accept donations based on our Collections Development Policy. Click on the headings to find out more or download the entire policy. Please contact Collections staff if you are considering donating material to the Linnean Society Library or Archives.

The Society is always happy to accept donations from Members, particularly of books, journals and archives, that fill gaps in the collection, and donations of Members’ own publications are welcomed. The Society is grateful to those who present books and archives to the Collections but reserves the right to dispose of these if it is found that they do not fall within this Collections Development Policy, or they are duplicates to items already in the collections.

Bequests will only be accepted if they meet the Collection Development Policy, and if the Society is capable of holding and caring for the material. Preference will be given to bequests that are supported in some way. The Society retains the right to reject bequests, and will endeavour to give advice to the donor, in order to help find an alternative repository.

The Society collects material in these areas:

  • Linnaean works and those on the history and principles of taxonomy, including all monographs known to have been cited by Linnaeus, both as originals and in facsimile.
  • Natural history handbooks especially those on the fauna, flora and mycota of Britain, Western Europe, the Palearctic together with those on other parts of the world on their merits. Treatises dealing with major world zones should be acquired where these are standard and important works (e.g. Flora Malesiana). This also includes natural history in general, especially regional accounts.
  • Biogeographical works on the origins and distribution of the fauna and flora of Britain, Europe and the Palearctic as above, including some palaeontological works.
  • Evolution and the evolutionary debate.
  • Ecology and conservation judged by the same criteria as recommended above for floras and faunas.
  • Climate change and environmental issues, including biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, etc.
  • Economic botany and zoology (including medicinal plants) if they are major regional accounts (e.g. Burkill's Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula) or important general books (e.g. Uphof's Dictionary of Economic Plants).
  • Travel, voyages and expeditions where they are historically and scientifically important works and where they contain advances to our knowledge of biogeography, ecology or similar disciplines.
  • Anatomical works that have a bearing on the systematics of organisms.
  • Biographies of biologists and others of relevance, especially Members of the Society, and their published works.
  • Works on the art of natural history judged by their quality and relevance to the Society's needs.
  • Bibliographical and reference works judged by their quality and relevance to the Society's needs.
  • Historical and seminal works relevant to any of the above, judged according to their quality and the Society's needs. The Society especially acquires books on the history of natural history that inform the Society’s collections.

In some subject areas of peripheral interest, works are acquired only where they form essential complements to existing collections, for example:

  • Animal behaviour and psychology (ethology) only where they are major contributions to the subject.
  • Ethnography where there is strong botanical or zoological significance.

The Library does not collect material in these areas:

  • Molecular biology
  • Microbiology
  • Medical sciences, other than those with taxonomic links such as parasitology and medicinal plant and animal products
  • General guides for birdwatchers and popular field guides
  • Biology textbooks
  • Specialist palaeontological works
  • Specialist agriculture and forestry works
  • Specialist horticultural works, including those on garden history, garden plants and landscape design

The Library may acquire antiquarian and costly works from time to time when these are appropriate to its holdings.

Members are welcome to recommend works for purchase by the Library and a list of titles for consideration or to fill gaps in holdings is maintained.

Scope and Purpose of the Archive

The Linnean Society Archives house the records pertaining to the history of the Society and its Members, as well as related areas of study in natural history, thus documenting the Society’s administrative, professional, scientific and public engagement endeavours. The archive collection comprises manuscripts, correspondence, notebooks and diaries, photographs and artwork. The majority of the collection dates to the late 18th and 19th centuries, but the oldest item dates back to 1695. The archive material relates to and complements the other collections held by the Society.

The Linnean Society also owns the archives of other closely-related organisations, such as the Linnean Club, the Zoological Club, the Society for Promoting Natural History, the Botanical Society of London, the Percy Sladen Memorial Fund and various nature conservation organisations (e.g., WWF, IUCN).

The Society follows the National Archives Standard for Record Repositories as the basis of its archives collection policy.

Methods of Acquisition

The majority of the archives held by the Linnean Society come from three main sources: as donations and bequests from Members; from the records management process whereby Society records identified for permanent preservation in the Retention Schedule are kept for posterity and therefore become archives; and occasionally, through purchases made by the Society.

Acquisition Criteria

The Society seeks to acquire archival material for permanent preservation pertaining to the following subject areas:

  • The history, organisation, and running of the Society
  • The Society’s Members and their professional activities
  • Taxonomy and Linnaeus
  • Individuals who have had a significant role in the Society
  • External relations with other institutions closely affiliated with the Society
  • Scientific observations, research and field expeditions, particularly ones funded by the Percy Sladen Memorial Fund

The Society also requires that by accepting any outside physical or digital archive, it also receives full authorisation to reproduce the contents (in full or in part) without seeking further permission from the copyright holder.

Acquisition of Digital Archives

The acquisition of digital archives will be guided by the aforementioned acquisition criteria. In addition, the following will be taken into consideration:

  • File formats
  • Metadata
  • Usability
  • Method and cost of display
  • Searchability
  • Storage/environmental costs
  • Uniqueness of the material (i.e. do other institutions have a copy)
  • Accessibility (e.g. copyright)

Subject Areas Not Collected

The Society does not normally seek to acquire manuscripts in fields which fall outside the existing strengths of its holdings.

The Society does not collect the following:

  • Records of organisations and societies which are still in existence, particularly if there is no connection with the Society.
  • Personal papers of staff and volunteers, particularly if there is no reference to their professional activities in the Society.
  • Ephemera belonging to Members and individuals closely associated with the Society.
  • Copies and photocopies of original material.
  • 35 mm photographic slides.

Terms of Deposit

The Society requires that by accepting any physical or digital archive, it also receives full authorisation to reproduce the contents (in full or in part) without seeking further permission from the copyright holder.

The Society does not accept material on long-term loan.


Details of new acquisitions are communicated annually to the National Archives’ Accessions To Repository Survey. Access restrictions are assessed as cataloguing takes place and recorded in the Archives catalogue.

This collection’s material falls outside the broad categories of archives, library or biological specimens covered elsewhere by this policy. This part of the Society’s collection policy covers four areas:


  • Fine art: 2D, 3D, digital and plastic art, related to Linnaeus, its founding members and the Linnean Society.
  • Decorative art, in various media, related to Linnaeus, its founding members and the Linnean Society.


  • Medals: Issued by the Society, awarded to the Society, awarded to key figures associated with the Society, or that mark anniversaries significant to the Society, Linnaeus, or historically significant Members.
  • Scientific instruments and apparatus including microscopes, field study accessories linked to taxonomy, scientific discoveries promulgated at Society meetings or owned by historically significant Members.
  • Items relating to the history and operation of the Society.
  • Personal effects of Linnaeus or historically significant Fellows that might not be considered art.
  • Commemorative items and official gifts in all media associated with anniversaries, specific meetings, and associations with other learned societies may also fall within this group if not of significant decorative value.
  • Items that reflect the legacy, and reach, into wider society of Linnaeus, the Society, and its areas of scientific study.


Elements, fixtures, and fittings related to or connected with the listed building in which the Society is housed (New Burlington House), for which there is a statutory duty of care to protect, retain and where possible reinstate.

Non-collections items

These are items that, while not part of the collection, have a local significance to the Society or add to the atmosphere of the rooms in which the Society is based, and as such should be accounted and cared for to the appropriate level. This category might include clocks and antique office furniture.

Acquisition of items in these four areas


  • Fine art and decorative art relating to key figures associated with the Society, its areas of scientific study, key moments in the history of the Society and significant anniversaries. The Society is especially keen to acquire artworks from the Jill Smythies Award winners.


The acquisition through purchases, bequests and donations relating to these areas can be justified against the following significance criteria:

  • There is a traceable, direct connection to Linnaeus or significant Members.
  • It captures, or reflects upon, a significant moment in the history of the Society, the life of Linnaeus, his areas of study, or significant Members.
  • It adds to the history, knowledge and wider understanding of the Society, Linnaeus, his areas of study, or significant Members.
  • It is a more significant example of something already held in the collection.
  • It adds to, broadens, or contextualises the understanding of other items already in the Society’s collections.
  • It adds to, broadens, or contextualises the understanding of the history of natural history, the history of the Society, and the areas of scientific study that the Society represents.
  • It marks a significant modern event or anniversary, scientific discovery or meeting linked to the Society, Linnaeus, significant Members, or the areas of scientific study that the Society represents.
  • It fills a gap in the Society’s collections relating to the history of and knowledge of Linnaeus, the Society, or significant Members.


The Society will continue to maintain, secure, retain and, where possible, reinstate those fixtures and fittings relating to, or form part of, the listed building in which the Society is housed.

The Society will continue to hold, and where possible, develop its holdings of material relating to the original design, construction and fittings of New Burlington House. Modern material relating to the alteration and conservation of New Burlington House will also be retained, though this is likely to be within the domestic archives.


This is a closed collection. Modern items relating to the practical operation of the Society are unlikely to be collected. It is important however, that we retain and care for those historic non-collections items that we already have responsibility for.

Rejection and disposal of items in these four areas:

  • Material that does not meet the acquisition policy.
  • True duplicates, and material that replicates other material that we already hold.
  • Material that relates to the wider study of the natural world without a significant link to the Society, or Linnaeus.
  • Modern scientific instruments, apparatus, and field study accessories, unless they are significant and related to one of the Society’s Members.
  • Items of a completely personal nature that have no connection with or significance to the Society.
  • Items, examples of which are already held elsewhere in an accessible way by another institution.
  • Items that would be better housed, made more accessible, via an alternative institution.
  • Items that are damaged to the point where they no longer contribute to our understanding of the subject, are unsuitable for public access or private study or would be far too costly to bring to state that would enable them to be accessible.

The Society does not acquire any biological collections unless they are of Linnaean or Smithian provenance or under exceptional circumstances (such as material related to Founding Members).

When deciding on the acquisition of items for the collection, the Society will also consider limitations imposed by such factors as staffing, storage, costs, and care of collection arrangements.

Physical condition

If necessary conservation measures are not feasible, an item will not normally be acquired.


If suitable space (physical or digital) is not available, and if public access cannot be guaranteed, an item will not normally be acquired.

Storage cost

The Society will acquire collections that enrich the current holdings and which are likely to be used by researchers. With every potential donation the Society will need to assess its storage capacity and the costs of storage against the benefit of holding such a collection.


The total cost of ownership (covering the purchase price, transport and handling charges, costs of conservation, documentation, curation, display and storage) will be considered when assessing the acquisition of an item.


The copyright owner should be identified, wherever possible, and either copyright assigned to the Society or a copyright licence agreement will be given to the Society.


Insurance issues (such as cost of the premium, or the Society’s insurance cover being too low) should be considered when assessing the acquisition of an item.

Note: During the course of their examination of specimens, researchers cannot apply notations or new labels to the original sheets – this can only be undertaken, if necessary, by the relevant Honorary Curator. No labels should be removed or altered.


The Linnean Society welcomes the opportunity to use its collections in as many ways as possible for the furtherance of the understanding of natural history. This policy covers all items held by the Society. This policy covers internal and external requests for research analysis on items that require an entire item or part of an item to be altered from its existing state. In general, destructive or invasive sampling is an application that involves the potential or real damage or destruction of a specimen, but which thereby purports to enhance its scientific or educational value. Other collections items may be affected by such a policy.


The Council of the Linnean Society is accountable for ensuring that all destructive/invasive sampling complies with this policy, but the day-to-day responsibility is delegated to the Head of Collections.

All decisions on the destructive/invasive sampling of an item must be approved by the Head of Collections, the appropriate Honorary Curator and the Chair of the Collections Committee. In the absence of the Chair, the CEO may give approval in their stead.


Destructive Sampling
A scientific analysis of an item, whereby the methodology used in the analysis destroys part of, or the entire, item (e.g. tissue removal for DNA analysis).

Invasive Sampling
A method of scientific analysis that requires entry beyond the surface layer of the item (e.g. dissection) or requires modification to the surface layer (e.g. gold coating for Scanning Electron Microscopy - SEM).

Voucher Specimen
A voucher specimen is any specimen that serves as the basis of a scientific study and is retained as a reference.

A product is defined as any derivative of a sample that is created by or during the analysis (e.g. aliquots, images, dissections, slide preparations etc.).

General Issues

This policy shall be applied whenever a request for destructive or invasive sampling is received from any internal or external source.

Destructive or invasive sampling processes/techniques may include but are not limited to the following:

  • DNA analysis
  • Isotope analysis
  • Dating analysis
  • SEM work
  • Microscope slide preparations
  • Casting or moulding
  • Dissection for anatomical studies
  • Analysis of lipids, proteins, etc.

Destructive or invasive sampling of items for research purposes involves irreversible changes (including, sometimes, complete destruction) to the objects involved. Therefore, decisions on such matters will be taken only after due consideration of the potential benefits of such a request.

Applications for Destructive and Invasive Sampling

All applications for destructive or invasive sampling should be submitted on the Society’s Destructive and Invasive Sampling Proposal Form. The proposal should include details of the proposed project, its justification, proposed methodology, the competence of the applicant in the use of the method and the institution where the work is to be done.

A copy of this policy and any other relevant policy will be sent to the applicant.

If relevant to the particular destructive or invasive sampling technique, specific terms and conditions or guidelines will be sent to the applicant.

Applications for destructive or invasive sampling must provide sufficient notice in advance of when the samples are required.

Evaluation and Approval of Destructive and Invasive Sampling Requests

In addition to the Destructive and Invasive Sampling Proposal Form, further information or references may be requested from the applicant to assist the Society in reaching a decision on the application.

The Society will use the following criteria for assessing applications for destructive or invasive sampling:

  • Scientific, historical and cultural importance of the items to be sampled
  • The rarity of the items requested
  • The needs of both present and future users
  • The legal and ethical issues that relate items to be sampled
  • Scientific benefit of the proposed research
  • Likelihood of the scientific results being published
  • Technical feasibility of the proposed research
  • Techniques to be used and consideration of any alternative techniques
  • Condition of the items requested
  • Potential damage to the items caused by the sampling

It should be noted that permission to sample our historically and scientifically important biological collections shall only be granted under specific circumstances where the person making the request provides sufficient evidence that the sampling will enhance understanding of the object. The relevant Honorary Curator will, as appropriate, arrange access to the collections and will prioritise requests and facilitate sampling or visits in accordance with an agreed timetable suitable for both parties.

The exact sampling techniques must be agreed before the project proceeds. Where appropriate, the Honorary Curator will prepare a condition report and photograph the items to be sampled.

Approval will only be granted if the applicant agrees to abide by this policy, any other relevant policy, and any terms and conditions or guidelines for any particular destructive or invasive sampling technique.

The Society reserves the right to decline any destructive or invasive sampling request. In this case the applicant will be informed, in writing, of the reason for the refusal.

Charging and Fees

If any fees are to be levied, the Society will inform the applicant, in writing, of the expected cost. The applicant must agree to pay these fees before sampling can proceed.

Obligations of the Applicant

If samples or items to be sampled are sent to the applicant, the applicant should, where possible, return to the Society all remaining items and products including, but not limited to, the original mount, dissected parts and any preparations. If it is not possible to return these items the applicant must inform the Society of the reason.

If samples are sent to the applicant, the applicant should ensure that preparations of all remaining parts are made using materials and protocols as specified by the Society.

If samples are sent to the applicant, the applicant should provide each permanent preparation with a direct copy of the item data, including determination, in permanent ink on an archival quality label.

If samples are sent to the applicant, the applicant should fully cross-reference all preparations with the original item following the format specified by the Society.

The applicant should identify items (taxonomically), as far as possible, before dissection or preparation. For certain items, the appropriate Honorary Curator will undertake this before the item is sent.

The applicant should include details of voucher specimens, their nature and location in published studies so that future researchers can relocate them.

The applicant should acknowledge the Society in publications involving the use of items from the collections.

The applicant must notify the Society of publications arising from the use of Society material. The applicant may be asked to provide copies (one of which must be original) of the title page, and relevant text and figures.

The applicant must obtain approval from the Society before items for sampling or their products are passed to third parties. The Society expects applicants to deposit information with appropriate bodies (e.g. GenBank, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, etc.) and therefore does not expect the applicant to obtain approval for this.

The applicant must obtain approval from the Society before using products derived from items supplied for sampling in any subsequent research.

If the project is abandoned before completion, the applicant must notify the Society and return all samples using agreed and appropriate techniques for preservation and transit.

If samples are sent to the applicant, any samples not completely destroyed or consumed by their analysis remain the property of the Society and must be returned in due course.

Intellectual Property Rights of Samples

The intellectual property rights and all other rights in the samples shall remain at all times vested in the Society.

The research and the results of the research may not be commercially exploited in any way without the prior written agreement of the Society.

Confidentiality and Publication

The Society will not disseminate any details of sequence data or novel protocols and procedures arising from an applicant’s work until they have been published.