
Our Council periodically reviews the structure and purpose of the various committees supporting its work and ensures each Committee operates according to its Term of Reference. Committees are Chaired by either the President, Treasurer or a designated member of Council.


The Audit Committee meets once a year to examine the Annual Statement of Accounts and the report of the professional auditors.


The Collections Committee advises both the Collections team and Council on matters relating to the Society’s collections, including library, archives, artefacts, artworks and specimens.


The Engagement Committee advises both the Engagement team and Council on matters relating to the Society’s public engagement, education and communications.


The Fellowship Committee reviews applications for election to the Fellowship.

Finance and Risk

The Finance and Risk Committee assists Council in its duty to supervise the Society’s financial affairs, advise on financial and investment matters, and oversee risk management policies and practices.

Medals and Awards

The Medals and Awards Committee scrutinises the medals and awards nominations and makes recommendations to Council.


The Nominations Committee advises on the Council nominations process and Council succession planning.


The Publishing Committee advises Council on matters such as the future direction of the Society’s journals and other publications, editorial succession planning and publishing arrangements.


The Remuneration Committee recommends the appropriate remuneration of staff to Council.


The Safeguarding Committee monitors and reviews safeguarding risks, incidents and processes at the Society. It ensures the Safeguarding Policy remains relevant, and staff and Trustee training are up to date.